Sunday, 13 August 2017

Does God Really Exists?

It’s really debateful topic, that challenging or questioning the existence of god. Especially in our country like India, where you can make anybody fight in the name of god and religion or caste.  Anyways, we are not here to discuss something on the religion or caste here as all religions are equal and must be respected.  But, still we are not sure about does god really exists? It’s a big question which is still a mystery for science.  
Thinking Archives - pic credit
Exceptionally there are few science theories or facts which indicate the existence of God. But on the same side the number of scientists who rejects or declined the existence of god is very large.  We all know science works on the basis of proofs and facts. The theories or algorithms are proof of it. But if we talked to some old Buddhists monks or priests or sadhus in India, they have complete faith or blind faith in the god’ existence. They also said that science is very far away from god’s logic. They have full faith on whatever wrote on the ancient books of god like Bible, Gita, and Quran.  
Stephen Hawkins - Pic Credit
But according to the one of the brilliant minds on earth named Stephen Hawkins “There is no god”. So when people ask him if the god created the universe? He says the question itself makes no sense. He strongly believes that time doesn’t exists before the “Big Bang”. So there is no time for god to make the universe. It’s like asking the direction to the edge of the earth. As we all know now that the earth is a sphere, it doesn’t have any edge. So looking for an edge on earth is waste of time or we can say a useless exercise.  Humans are free to believe what they want to believe. So, people believe what they like or whatever makes them feel hopeful. We cannot decline his knowledge and theories because whatever he says he shows facts and proofs for that.  He does believe in the existence of aliens but he declines about the god’s existence. Not only he, many other brilliant scientists on earth also declines the god’ existence.  Even the brilliant mathematician Sir Albert Einstein was also not in favor of god belief.  According to the Einstein’s handwritten letter auctioned over EBay, sold for $3 million proves that. In the letter he wrote” the word god for me is nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness. The bible the collection of honorable but still primitive legends which are never the less but childish”.  But they also say that there is no scientific proof of no god. They even questioned the existence of Jesus after his death. There is no any scientific proof found after his death that can claim the existence of Jesus after his death. There is nothing any primary source that can claim the existence of this important person” Jesus”.  Well it’s very difficult to find proofs according to the science legends but I am sure people will believe what they want to. 
God Exists - Pic Credit

Now we will end this topic with few questions that came in our mind:
1)      If god knows everything we will go to do in future, then we don’t have free will?
2)      If god exists why not he stops every negativity from world and makes peace?
3)       Why innocent people die of no cause?
4)      If everything is pre decided by god then why we are making efforts to things?
5)      If god does not exist then why only we humans have the ability to think and grow?
6)      Why big bang happens?

These are some questions which forces us to think on it. Mention your views below in comments; feel free to ask any questions.

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